When applying to take KSKA 5th Dan, the applicant should ideally have
supported also have been involved in KSKA training for a period of three years
prior to taking the grade.
Record of the applicants training history is to be included as part
of the 5th Dan grading application submission. A register of attendance on
Gasshuku's and other courses presented by the Shihankai are to be recorded
within the candidates KSKA passbook, whilst record of attendance on domestic
courses is to be made within the applicants domestic licence/passbook.
Eligibility to present a 5th Dan grading, the candidate must be a
member of the KSKA and for a minimum period of 2-years prior.
KSKA 5th Dan grading applications should be supported by a member of
the Shihankai or a senior member of the Academy that is domicile within the
country of the applicant or at least having regular contact with the applicant
providing the opportunity to assess the level of development leading towards
the grading.
The grading application form
is to be submitted to the KSKA Secretary
six months prior to the date of grading, who in-turn is to advise the
Shihankai (via email) of the candidates' "intention to take their grade" with
detail of the grade application, date and location etc being included on the
candidate's application form.
The grading applicant should continue to support the KSKA through
their regular attendance on Gasshuku's also other courses presented by members
of the Shihankai. Unless in exceptional circumstances, this is to include a
minimum of three Gasshuku attendances within the two year period leading upto
the agreed date of grading.
KSKA 5th Dan gradings are to be presented in the presence of a
minimum two members of the Shihankai and preferably during a Gasshuku unless
in exceptional circumstance.
The KSKA Dan grade examination fee is to remain at € 120 until
further notice. Candidates who fail the examination will be refunded by
€ 60 of the fee. For subsequent attempts they are only required to pay
€ 60 without refunds on failure.